PoweR ThoughT

The Handbook for Consciousness




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/30/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 84
ISBN : 9781496919182

About the Book

PoweR ThoughT is a Concept. The concept is based on a Process. the process is Conscious-Flow, Thought-Flow, Word-Flow to Ink-Flow. This book is a result of ink-flow. To think for and of ones true self is the Highest Freedom. All exploitation is predicated upon thought control. No one can actually teach you anything but you can learn All things. PoweR ThoughT provokes self teaching, self learning, self-esteem and the root self-love. Read PoweR ThoughT because You already Know.

About the Author

My name is Steven "Sudhaa" Hutchinson. My mother always called me steven, never steve, stevie or the dreaded stephen. So i appall when someone renames me seconds after i introduce myself. One of my teachers named me sudhaa which means concentrated sugar, in sanskrit, i'm serious. I was extremely flattered. My biolological dad gave me Hutchinson. I was born in New York Hospital, 1959. I played tag, basketball and chased girls on the streets of NYC. I have visited all 50 states and India. I've lived in NYC, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Houston, Las Vegas, Berkley and Los Angeles. I studied at Hunter College in NYC and in India i studied the essence of the Vedas which are ancient sanskrit books of wisdom according to history. I am becoming more aware of my "script" in life. and this urged me to write. The "script" is the subtext of life. My father was killed in NYC and born in Philadelphia. I was devastated at 5. I've met yogis, nuns, sponsors, masons, disciples, ministers, gurus and imams but i prefer to write my own "script". Writing my own "script" makes me the director and lead actor in my life. While the best i can be is a costar in the life of another. That is my secret that is perfect. PoweR ThoughT is my "script". Whats yours?