Atlas Shouts:

A Modern Patriot Calls for Action

by Adapted by John Lofgren



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/24/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781458217561
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781458217585
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 258
ISBN : 9781458217578

About the Book

Democrat and Republican factions continue to spread lies, and the United States will be ruined if they’re allowed to go unchecked.

Their behavior can easily be compared to the Jim Crow South – only this time, it’s constitutional conservatives who are being abused. The good people of America need to join forces to launch an MLK-style movement to restore equal rights and fiscal sanity.

John Lofgren, an intellectual patriot, explains how the liberal movement and faux conservatives are perverting the entire fiscal system in this powerful narrative that uncovers startling parallels between the past and present. He traces the frightening trajectory of U.S. fiscal policy beginning with the 1840s Erie Canal financing.

By providing a platform for proposing solutions to the corruption and misguided views rampant in government, the author seeks to bring the country back to a firm foundation of financial stability.

This book builds a case to de-socialize the banking system, end preferential rights, and re-establish state powers in order to reignite the pride and diversity America once leveraged to great economic advantage.

About the Author

John Lofgren spent over 10 years researching US economic history, identifying best practices, and exposing findings in public forums. John earned degrees from the University of Florida and the University of Central Florida. A computer engineer, he holds five patents and has thirty years of design experience in electronics and design automation. He is also an accomplished lead singer and guitarist in a Motown/Classic Rock band.