The Busy Person's Guide to Balance and Boundaries

by Betty Hill Crowson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/18/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9781491840429
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9781491840443
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 250
ISBN : 9781491840436

About the Book

Have you become so busy that you feel light-years away from the essence of your own true self and from what really matters? If so, The Busy Person’s Guide to Balance and Boundaries was written for you. The first in a series of three, The Busy Person’s Guide to Inner Healing and The Busy Person’s Guide to Joy and Fulfillment will follow. But getting our feet back under us is where we must begin. This book leads the way by providing a clear, efficient, and effective pathway for establishing boundaries and recovering physical, emotional, and spiritual energy. At the same time, its workbook format guides us easily through a process of improving and deepening relationships, with ourselves, others, and a Higher Consciousness with which we yearn to connect. Based on years of working with individuals, couples, and groups, and expertise in the areas of spirituality, psychology, and recovery principles, the wisdom imparted simply and honestly throughout these pages is nothing short of profound. Betty Hill Crowson has given us a roadmap to recover our true selves at our own pace, empowering us to make the giant leap from human “doing” to a happier, and infinitely more content, human being.

About the Author

Referred to as the “real deal,” Betty Hill Crowson is the author of The Joy is in the Journey: A Woman’s Guide through Crisis and Change (Authorhouse, 2005), as well as a motivational speaker, retreat director, holistic life coach, and human growth-potential specialist. For the past two decades, she has become known and appreciated, especially throughout the Northeast, for her charismatic speaking style and her unusual ability to combine traditional and current wisdom-knowledge into easily understood and practical concepts. Her workshops, spiritual retreats, and tele-classes under the trademark of The Joy is in the Journey® are highly in demand and reviewed as “life-changing” by participants. Betty currently spends her time between Shelter Island, NY, and the mountains of Western Maine.

“This is Betty Hill Crowson’s first in a series of three books designed to lead readers to a calmer, happier life. I can’t wait to read her next two on a topic with which just about everyone can identify!

Bill Wood, host of “What Are You Reading?” TV
Broadcast in
Maine and NH