Little Barbara

In a family of fourteen: Mother, Father, Twelve Children. Nine girls and three boys.

by Gail Alcina



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/21/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781496902597
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781496902580

About the Book

This book is about growing up knowing my father was not perfect. About my parents and siblings working hard on a share crop farm, and I can’t leave out my dad’s other women and his drinking. About my mom helping other with food, whenever she could plus I was right there with her; every step of the way and a whole lot more.

About the Author

When I was about twenty four, I thought about writing a book but my spelling wasn’t all that good. I will start and stop. Then I would stop and start. Then I will give up. I know what I wanted to write about(me). But I couldn’t put it into words. Whenever I think about it I put it out of my mind. Now I have four grown children and my baby wrote a book and I said I wish I could write a book and she said mom if you put your mind to it You will be able to write one. She gave me a dictionary that helped a little. It takes too much time to look up words. Then I realized I had a dictionary in my children. I started asking my son how to spell and then my grandson. They were living with me at that time. Then I will call my daughter in Tampa. My daughter in San ford the one that put the writing bug in my ear. My little granddaughter and my daughter in Atlanta Georgia. I am very happy I was able to write this book at seventy one. I like writing. Thanks to my daughter that wrote her first book. This is only my first book. I have three books about me. I hope you like this one