Disturbing Perceptions

by Adam K.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/30/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781491875797
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781491875803

About the Book

We have all heard the noises that go bump in the night. Most of us tend to ignore them due to our fear of what it may be. Many other people see things or feel things and are not fazed by them. They tolerate it and move along. It’s very intriguing when you think about how many incidents occur. Call them spirits, ghosts, demons or poltergeists, in this world they exist. Both Adam and Jason knew this and believed in it too. From a very young age they had both experienced it. This is their story of supernatural encounters. After reading this your perception may be changed forever. It might make you believe in the unreal. Perhaps what you thought you knew is the complete opposite to the truth. A tale of courage, denial, failure,love, friendship in the midst of unthinkable horror.

About the Author

Adam K. I am employed as a writer/journalist at Pongola News. The English language and love for the written word has been something I take pride in since my early days. I am currently a student at SA Writer’s College, studying the fine art of Magazine Journalism. As a writer, I tend to get lost in thought, lost in my vision, lost in the wonderful world of dreaming and fantasy. My writing-style has been influenced by many a horror writer, as the possibilities are endless. Imagination is my greatest tool. I am from a quaint little town in South-Africa, known as Pongola. It is a extremely small community, and provides me with the time to dream. I would describe myself as a dreamer that dreams for those without the means. As a person, however, I am a major rock music enthusiast, I believe that music is the most powerful form of magic, and that it can influence absolutely every aspect of a person’s life.