Career Job Ready

The Skill-Based Workforce Revolution

by Rick Hodge



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/26/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9798823008020
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9798823008037

About the Book

The book is about driving systemic change in postsecondary education and training that develops career job readiness for students and community job hunters across community colleges in the nation. The book addresses important topics for education administrators, business and industry professionals, and students who are seeking opportunities for future skill competencies. It focuses on the existing skills gap within industry and business, the needed credentials that prepare individuals for employment, the skills based hiring now preferred by big industry, experiential learning opportunities that are created by business and education engagement partnerships that accurately assess the needed future skills in a shared career journey.

About the Author

Rick Hodge, former Associate Vice-President for Instruction & Workforce at Sacramento City College is an experienced administrator with more than 25 years of higher education experience in academic affairs, economic and workforce development, community education, and corporate and business training. Rick has worked in community colleges and universities, both public and private, formerly serving as Interim Vice-President, Academic Affairs at LA Trade Tech College, and as CTE & Workforce Dean at LA Southwest College, Dean at Pasadena City College and West Coast University. He has also served as the Chair for two Strong Workforce initiatives in the Los Angeles region, the Entrepreneur Network of LA (12 colleges) and Global Trade & Logistics (12 colleges). He has received various awards in higher education, including during 2017-2022: - New America/Lumina 1 of 6 Colleges National Selection-New Model of Career Preparation -Top College for Entrepreneurship in the Nation Award (NACCE) -Top College in California for Career Preparedness Award (A.C.T. College Readiness Assessment) -Workforce Development Innovation of the Year Award – Global Trade & Logistics (LAOCRC) -Regional Collaboration Leader of the Year Award (LAOCRC) -Gold & Bronze Star Award for Outstanding Workforce Outcomes (CCC Chancellor’s Office).