Inspired by Love

Living Life with Faith

by Anne Goodsell Love



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/8/2012

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781462401628
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9781462401635

About the Book

Inspired by Love: Living Life with Faith offers personal spiritual reflections on everyday life that are humorous and poignant by turns. In this collection of essays, author Anne Goodsell Love weaves together insights on the nuances of life and the magic that’s all around us—highlighting it for you to see in your own life. These essays about relationships, parenting, courage, change, and love offer messages for everyone. By combining her essays with Scriptures and prayer, she provides an inspiring way to start or end your day.

There are lessons to be drawn from everything that we do in our daily lives, from meeting a child for a chat after school to being present and following the rules of the road. Love weaves each story with a moral designed to make us think about how our actions impact others and what spiritual implications they hold.

Inspired by Love: Living Life with Faith provides insight into situations we encounter every day and considers how we can respond to them in a spirit-filled manner. For more inspiration go to:

About the Author

Anne Goodsell Love, PhD, is an administrator at Wagner College in New York City; she also writes about learning communities and assessment in higher education. She enjoys reading, being outdoors, and vacationing on a lake in Ontario. She lives in New Jersey with her two sons and their dog, Luna.