Hurricane Eye

by Marie Caveza



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/23/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781456796952
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781456796945

About the Book

Heli is plunged into a series of new beginnings heightening her expectations of what's to come. She finds herself on a journey where she had to come to terms with feelings of loneliness which sparked her awareness of human interactions which she never knew existed. Her journey through preparations for a natural disaster, experiences of events of its duration and the aftermath left a permanent mark on her and her family. She realises it is possible to live through a frightening experience and discover the hidden beauty that it can inspire under certain circumstances leaving you with the feeling that you have gained something priceless.

About the Author

Helena Rogers grew up and spent the first part of her life in Trinidad. She grew up in the city and as a young child were thrilled by the stories and adventures that her uncle related about his dramatic experiences with dangerous animals out hunting in the forests, whenever he visited them in the city. She was also fascinated by the stories her father told about his adventures at sea in storm conditions particularly on one occasion when his ship, The Sea Hawk was stuck in a whirlpool and he and his crew was trapped for three days before being rescued. He worked as a coast guard as captain of his vessel and spent months away from home when her family had to struggle without him and found it very difficult. As a young adult she migrated to Europe, trained and worked as a registered nurse but took an interest in teaching from her experience of teaching her own children. She subsequently qualified as a teacher obtaining a teaching degree. But during all this time her love of reading and writing inspired her to start writing short pieces about her experiences and observations. She also had one of her poems published by the National Library of Poetry.