The night ended much in the same way it started, on an extremely high note. The limousine that brought Fern and Jayden to the event picked them up and took them back. Fern was the first to be dropped off. She tingled all over as Jayden reached in and kissed her good night. She wanted to linger in his strong and able arms but she couldn’t because the next day was Sunday and she had to get some sleep so she could be fresh for church in the morning. They’d certainly had a long and exciting evening.
She finally pulled herself away from their loving embrace and said good night to Jayden. He reluctantly complied and let her go. He promised to pick her up for church in the morning. Fern told him she liked that. He was certainly laying the right foundation in their relationship. At Jayden’s request, the limousine driver waited until she was safely inside the house before he drove off. Fern remotely closed the gate after they drove off and got ready for bed.
She took a long bath and enjoyed some Hibiscus chamomile tea in an effort to curb some of the excitement she still felt and relax enough to get some sleep. As she lay cuddled under silk bed sheets still musing over the earlier events of the night, these thoughts came to her mind.
“Dreams and Visions are really God’s way of giving us insight into who we were meant to become. They often start as simple desires or endless yearnings in our hearts. We must never ignore what we feel but rather nurture them until they become reality.
In the process, we must pray for the wisdom to recognize those called alongside us to help fulfill those dreams and visions. Even those that appear to be thorns in our sides serve a purpose.
We must also never become weary or lose sight of our dreams and visions or our capacity to dream because doing so will only cause us to lose our ability to become what we were meant to be.
Though our dreams and visions tarry as the scripture says in Habakkuk 2:3, we must wait on it.
For the vision is for an appointed time and will surely manifest and become reality."
Fern had a Selah moment as she pondered her thoughts. Her dream had definitely become reality at the appointed time and she knew the best was yet to come. She drifted off to sleep as she continued to ponder the evening’s earlier events.