The Liberation of John Bottomless Pitt Jr. and How it Came About

by J. E. Johannessen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/5/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781456713584
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781456713577

About the Book

In the tourist brochures Scaff old Hill is described as “a small, picturesque village overlooking the Lincolnshire countryside.” Th e village is indeed small. The village is indeed situated smack, bang in the middle of Lincolnshire. And, the village is indeed situated on the top of a hill, overlooking the countryside.

The village had its own major, a man in his fi fties named George Harrison. The locals usually referred to him as “Georg III”, since his to predecessors both were named Georg or George. Mr. Harrison did not care much for this nickname. It was, he usually claimed, a name that had too much negativity attached to it. Of course, his constituency knew this very well. However, they continued to call him by his nickname. For some strange reason, most of them also continued to vote for him.

The village also had its own police force. It was not a very large force. Most of the inhabitants would claim that it was not even a force to be reckoned with. Most of the inhabitants in fact, referred to the police as “King George IIIs army”. Neither George Harrison nor the man he had employed to lead the “army”, was very happy with the nickname. It had a taste of defeat to it. It rang of pastures, rivers and cities lost.

About the Author

I have a master degree in English literature. I teach Religion, History, Culture and Communication and languages at Sauda Upper Secondary School.

"The Life and Death of John Bottomless Pitt Jr. and How it Came About" is something that I have been working on for a few years. It is a homeage to my favourite authors Douglas Adams, Bret Easton Ellis and all the members of Monty Python. It is also an attempt to write a good novel, without thinking to much about theme and message. I know that there is a message there, somewhere!

I live in Norway, am currently single and work as a teacher. I do not like to brag about myself. Really, I do not really appreciate being in this situation at all!