Stuff You Can Say Everyday

by Josh Parham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/27/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781463402877
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781463402884
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781463402860

About the Book

Quotes that can speak to you can stay with you! Every day life looks like either something to love or a load to carry. When you want something to say to express how you feel, Stuff You Can Say Everyday contains one liners to do just that! Because of all of life’s challenges, this book is full of words that I internalized before I verbalized them. As I readily state, “Use the crap from your past to fertilize your future.” In so doing, may you find words that will challenge you to reach a new level in your life—one liners that will make you laugh, love, and help you go to a deeper life spiritually. “One sentence spoken to you in the right season could give your life more meaning than a hundred other reasons.” Use Stuff You Can Say Everyday everywhere you go! “Make your words unregrettable and worth retelling, so someone will find them unforgettable and worth repeating.”

About the Author

Going from a town without a red light to a city full of lights, Josh Parham had no idea his writing in a journal would develop into a writing journey. Instead of writing stories about life experiences, he decided to write life experiences in one sentence segments--quotes--that can challenge and inspire anyone's life. His life has become what it is today because of words from different arenas of life. At first glance, Josh appears to be a common man; but because of a rare inherited hearing and vision impairment, he has the ability to perceive things many times that others overlook, and the ability to hear things that many times exceed listening. That impairment distinguishes him rather than disabling him. It is the shortest statements that seem to create longevity in his mind; thus the birth of this book.