Your Wonderful Life

No Matter the Past, Life always holds Wonder, Joy and Meaning

by Doug Billings



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/19/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781452086408
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781452086415

About the Book

Beginning with the definition of the purpose of human life, this book teaches how to gain perspective on the events in life so as to overcome past mistakes, trials and adversity. It details how to examine mistakes of the past and use them as life-lessons that provide fertilizer for your present and future life.


This book will help you build and maintain better relationships in your personal life and in your career. It will teach you how to reflect, meditate and contemplate about the events in your life that will lead you to right-relationship with God and others. It reaffirms that God is the Creator and as one of his creations, you are no mistake. It will put in plain words why the past holds no power over you. It will explain why no one is as bad as the worst thing they’ve done. 


Your Wonderful Life is an instruction manual for living life to the fullest. It teaches you how to pray, how to forgive and how to overcome adversity. It mentors you in the ability to recognize miracles and blessings. It defines atonement and tells how to accomplish it. It shows you how to pursue and identify the Divine presence in your life. It identifies, defines and discusses the virtues of integrity, truth, sincerity, fidelity, mercy, grace, faith and hope.


This book is a resource that you will read and re-read because it puts in simple terms the answers to life's most profound issues and it will guide you to the source of wonder, joy and meaning.

About the Author

Doug Billings is a native of Kansas City. Educated at the University of Missouri (Kansas City) and Conception Seminary College (Conception, MO), he has earned a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Studies and a Master's Degree in Curriculum & Instruction.


He is a columnist for The Examiner and a motivational/inspirational speaker focusing on career & personal development and Down syndrome advocacy.


He has faced and overcome some of life's most severe adversities: The loss of integrity, lost careers, the sudden death of his father, a son born with Down syndrome, divorce, lost relationships, bankruptcy, legal issues, the victim of a drunk driver, and a battle with cancer.


He overcame all of these and reclaimed wonder, joy and meaning in life with belief in four principles:


1) God created you and He does not make mistakes

2) No one is as bad as the worst thing they've done

3) No matter one's past, life always holds potential

4) Unless we can forgive, we will never fully experience love.


Reminding us of the importance of virtues such as integrity, truth, sincerity, faith, mercy, fidelity, love and forgiveness, Doug defines the purpose of life and teaches that the past holds no power over us.


Join him as he provides uncomplicated and straightforward guidance that will lead you to the promise of life’s wonder, the realization of life’s joy and the fulfillment of life’s meaning.