An Other's Mind

by Luis Quiros, MPA, MSW



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781452075396
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781452075402
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 324
ISBN : 9781452075419

About the Book

“An Other’s Mind” is a landmark and brilliant piece of research on Social Policy and its relationship with covert and overt institutional racism. Professor Quiros addresses everyday racism in corporate America, not-for-profit agencies and academic settings. It is written with a combination of depth and clarity of the haves and have not’s. He gives clear examples of discrimination, oppression and poorly integrated aspects of self and proposes ways we can arrive at a more clear-eyed vision of a truly democratic nation. His building blocks are historical theories and live case studies of various situations that demonstrate both the tragedies of omission and neglect perpetuated by the elites in our society. Quiros’ passionate and intra-psychic experience in conjunction with his detailed research, evident in our everyday lives as he presents it, is a real “eye-opener” for the United States and its myriad of cultures and people. Maria Muñoz Kantha, PhD, LCSW is an activist, educator and Mental Health Consultant in NYC

About the Author

Born of Puerto Rican blood, raised on the streets of Harlem, author Luis Quiros has striven throughout his life--as a scholar, activist, community organizer, social commentator and educator--against the pro forma marginalization of himself and others. Yet he has never forgotten his humble roots, has never strayed from those who are struggling and at risk; ever remaining a friend and tireless advocate for every person's right to his own dignity, humanity and hope for the future. An award-winning professor of sociology, Vice Chair of the Lower Hudson Valley Civil Liberties Union, four-term Board Chair of the Westchester Community Opportunity Program, Quiros holds Masters degrees in both Social Work and Public Administration as well as a Bachelor's in Business Administration, all of which when combined give him a multifaceted perspective on social justice issues and the efficacy of public policy.