Creating Sustainable Customer Value

The Positive Power of Strategic Management

by Martin D. Pallante, Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/7/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781449089511
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781449089504
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781449089528

About the Book

Creating Sustainable Customer Value...The Positive Power of Strategic Management" is the culmination of 40 years of experience leading people and managing enterprises and projects.  The author, Dr. Martin D. Pallante, spent more than 40 years in senior positions of sales, marketing and general management eventually rising to the position of President and CEO of a large, multi-national division of a New York Stock Exchange company. Pallante's division, with plants located across the globe, produced essential products and services for the plastics, rubber, metals, auto, glass and carbonated beverage industries.  During his illustrious career, Pallante encountered many opportunities and challenges that not only tested his management and leadership capabilities but allowed him to develop a unique approach to management and leadership that is the centerpiece of this new strategic management initiative. Creating Sustainable Customer Value is a concise, direct to the point, step-by-step primer that is easily understood. Mastery of the teachings in this revolutionary management system will empower those who practice what this book teaches to achieve management and leadership success not previously thought possible.  Written primarily for business owners and managers of small to medium sized enterprises whose budgets don't normally include funding for a strategic management department, the lessons taught in Creating Sustainable Customer Value can be successfully employed by organizations of all sizes, shapes and descriptions, both for profit and not-for-profit.

Dr. Pallante wrote Creating Sustainable Customer Value...The Positive Power of Strategic Management in an easy-to-understand style that further enhances the readers ability to quickly master the subject matter.

If you really want to simplify the planning process and create a fiscal strategic plan that will be a living, efficient document and the centerpiece of your annual business activities - make "Creating Sustainable Customer Value...The Positive Power of Strategic Management" the very next book you read!


About the Author

Martin D. Pallante, Ph.D. Chairman of Pallante Management Consulting is the retired president of a highly diversified, multi-national division of a New York Stock Exchange global manufacturing company. A well-known international business leader, Dr. Pallante’s career allowed him to hone his skills managing companies producing intellectually intensive products and services that dominated their highly competitive markets in North and South America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific Rim. Operating in this myriad of cultures, labor environments and intensifying competitive arenas where intellectual advantages were gradually dissipating, Pallante determined that his operating units had to find a way to create viable differentiating advantages other than price and delivery if they were to thrive in the changing marketplaces. His search for the saleable differentiator led Pallante to the development of the Dynamic Balanced Scorecard, a state-of-the-art management methodology that enables a company to create sustainable customer value for which the customer is willing to pay an equitable price.”


In addition to building an illustrious management career, Pallante is a long-time university professor, management consultant and in-demand speaker on strategic management, international business, leadership, marketing and communications having delivered more than 350 presentations and keynote addresses around the globe.


An often-published technical writer, Pallante is one of the co-authors of “The Irish in Youngstown and the Greater Mahoning Valley” in addition to producing his groundbreaking management book, “Creating Sustainable Customer Value...The Positive Power of Strategic Management.” 


The recipient of the prestigious “Distinguished Speaker” and “Titan of Business” awards from Hodges University Graduate School of Business, Pallante also received the “2007 Titan of Business” Award from International College and the Naples, Florida Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute.


Questions for Dr. Pallante may be directed to him at  or at


He and his wife are the parents of four adult children and ten grandchildren.