This Dynamic World

by Charles W. Morgan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/17/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 184
ISBN : 9781449067168

About the Book

Gathers together the ideas and experiences of mankind’s past, present, and future in a remarkably original organization of levels and eras of being. This book answers the frightening questions of our time. Visually beautiful and full of useful knowledge, 52 informative illustrations help you get all the good out of This Dynamic World.

About the Author

Charles W. Morgan grew up on a farm in the highlands of western Maryland on land settled by his Welsh and German ancestors in the 1740's. Charles was a good student, concerned at a young age about religion and society. He was a faithful member of his village Lutheran Church. He wanted to be a teacher and so, still a good Lutheran boy, he completed his very conventional Bachelor of Education degree in 1940. Then he came upon some articles in the news about Paramahansa Yogananda, the bonafide Indian yogi who had come to America to help the spiritualization of this western nation.

Charles was plucked out of his life by the peacetime draft of 1941. Then Pearl Harbor was bombed and Charles Morgan was in the great Second World War. But all through the war and after in his M Ed program at U Maryland and his PhD Ed program at Columbia, he was reading (italics) Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, (italics) This is Reality by Roy Eugene Davis, (italics) Aliens Among Us by Ruth Montgomery and (italics) You are Responsible by George King of the Aetherius Society. He observed the careers of Edgar Cayce and Jeanne Dixon. He was also learning from his graduate program mentors about “eras of being” and “levels of being.” As he formed his doctoral dissertation, he was creating a work that would become (italics) This Dynamic World.

After being out in the world at war and the world of higher education, Charlie Morgan went home. He lived the rest of his life where he had begun, in the Maryland highlands. He was a farmer and a school teacher. He raised his kids and loved his wife. He never owned a computer and never “jumped on the internet.” He watched the network TV news but never “browsed on-line streaming video.” Charlie thought an electric typewriter was advanced technology. He did read rooms of books on every subject pertaining to his determined quest. Somehow, this humble, curious, and imaginative man was amazingly prescient about environmentalism, population explosion, globalism, global warming, climate shift, climate change, environmental catastrophe, economic development, personal and public morality and how all of it stemmed - as he says in the book - from spiritual decay and spiritual rebirth.

Read This Dynamic World and see in it the life and times of this unknown but remarkable man.