Called to Serve

An Army Lifetime Experience

by Bruce D. Terpstra



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/23/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 524
ISBN : 9781449053505
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 524
ISBN : 9781449053512
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 524
ISBN : 9781449053499

About the Book

While this book gives you a “life in Mayberry” feeling at its beginning, you must read on. It suddenly moves into more serious, sorrowful and sometimes humorous events. The author is the main character who takes you through the good times and the horrific. The graphically described sequence of events of his experiences in Vietnam, and the six major battles he takes part in, will have you grabbing for your seat belts. While you find humor in some parts, you will tear up in others. There are covert operations brought out here that you may not have ever read nor heard about until now. The many stories vividly described herein will take you around the globe to no less than 21 different countries of Europe and the Far East, not to mention the many states of the U.S. It takes you through American military bases that are not accessible to the average citizen. From coast to coast, from the Gulf of Mexico to the far reaches of Anchorage, Alaska, come along with us on this trip. I think you will enjoy the ride!

About the Author

Bruce D. Terpstra was born the youngest of eight children, on a farm near the agricultural suburb of Fairmont, Minnesota. The family later moved on to Missouri where he graduated high school in the even smaller environment of Mountain Grove. When he reached the age of 21, he was drafted into the Army, where his nomadic life really began. After completing BCT and Advance Individual Training, his first permanent duty assignment took him to Heidelberg, Germany. While there he faced some challenging and sometimes covert assignments which included a trip into the jungles of the Belgian Congo. He witnessed the building of the Berlin Wall and subsequent Iron Curtain. He was also there when it all came down. During his 20 years in uniform he faces challenges of the Vietnam conflict during its most bloody year 1968, starting with the Tet Offensive, on thru 6 other battles in which he participated. Of particular note, were the near death experiences graphically outlined in his book, “Called to Serve-An Army life experience”. His courage and integrity earned him many awards which include The Meritorious Service medal and Bronze Star medal, vaulting him to the top of his grade. His retirement from active duty did not end his involvement with the Army. He went from there into the civilian structure where he again proved to be a credit to the profession, serving several European tours and a key participant in the deployment process for “Desert Storm” (The battle for Kuwait). This author did not just write this book, he lived it. His 46 years of service in support of his country, reflect great credit upon his endeavors and lends credence to the cliché “You can take the man out of the Army, but you can’t take the Army out of the man”.