I Too Can Be Productive If Given The Chance

A Collection of Poems and Short Stories

by Hubert Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/30/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781438953496

About the Book

I To Can Be Productive If Given The Chance  relates the negative effects of street and prison life and the positive effect of change. The short stories are related in a graphic way to grab the attention of the reader and to enlighten the youth of the dangers of crime, drugs and lawlessness on a whole. The street looks inviting but it is your greatest foe. The poems give the reader an insight of the author's thoughts. 

About the Author

Hubert Johnson was born in beautiful Jamaica in the West Indies. He grew up in a stable environment. At age eleven he  migrated to The United States to live with his mother in Brooklyn, New York. His father died two years later. This had a great effect on him and he became withdrawn. The long dark period of his life began at this point. He had runnings with the law and was incarcerated more than once. During this period he wrote this book from his prison cell. His determination is to use his experience in a positive way to help youth in the ghetto stay off the streets and be spared of the negative con sequences it offers.