Miss M.’s Storybook

by Sandra Mendyk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/15/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 284
ISBN : 9781449004057
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467857116

About the Book

Have you ever done something you later were embarrassed about, like hiding under a highway in ankle-high water at two o’clock in the morning?

   Or getting locked in Paris, France’s Notre Dame Cathedral  bell tower?

  Would you tell anyone about your family and friends, especially a brother who loved pulling pranks like throwing lit matches from a cinema balcony?

    Did you ever try to undertake something “fun”  that no one would ever expect you to do like flying an airplane although you get airsick?

     Have you ever encountered a ghost, met a “reincarnated” spider, or accompanied the FBI to look for a bomb?

    How would you feel if you took your nephew to England at the invitation of the Prince of Wales and got embarrassed when he said something out loud–loud enough that you wanted to crawl under the closest chair?

     Do you feel brave or anxious enough to read some of these experiences (mostly funny)–the same stories that many junior high school students enjoyed for years? 

  Many people have approached Miss M. and asked how she had so many adventures and accomplished so much.

   Miss M. has taught seventh grade for twenty-two years.  Many times the school day had some “leftover” time.  This was the perfect time for one of Miss M.’s stories–stories that were told over and over again to keep students riveted to the teacher in front of the room.  She never repeated the same story twice to the same class.

  And all these stories are true!

   This book has many of these stories. Many stories are classified as comedy, serious, and some may be downright scary! Many also have a  moral. This paperback book can be taken on the bus, on trips, and even, read in the bathroom!

   Characters in the book have initials in order to save some people embarrassment. The family members know who they are!

   All Miss M. has to say now after compiling all her real-life stories for others to read and share is “Enjoy!” as all her former students did. And if anyone doesn’t enjoy the book, well, there’s always that bathroom!

About the Author

Miss M. tells true stories of events in her life ranging from childhood to retirement, to include family comedy (including fights), hi-jinks with friends, and other stories of interest to make the reader laugh and/or make the reader scratch his or her head. These stories have been told for twenty-two years to numerous students taught by Miss M. who are anxiously anticipating the publication of this book!

  Miss M.’s real name is Sandra Mendyk, called Miss M. by many of her former students, and lives in Connecticut. She retired from teaching after twenty-two years, but still works part-time as editor of the weekly paper, the Valley Times where she writes a weekly editorial along with other editorial duties.  Prior to that, Miss M. served in the U. S. Army for four years and spent one year in the U. S. Army Reserves. She also spent a boring twelve years in an industrial plant office (where she worked as a mail clerk, in the typing pool, and a “raw material inventory clerk”) which blew up and burned down at the hands of bombers in 1975, as well as working for a wire cable company, secretary for various companies like a mortgage broker and a university in the English Department..

 Miss M. enjoys knitting, reading, writing, acting, meeting people, learning the violin, singing (no karaoke, thank you!),  Irish dancing, stage combat sword fighting, Renaissance fairs, traveling, and loyal friends, among many other hobbies and interests.

  This is her first book, and she’s at work writing two more.