The Complete Guide To Cleansing And Detox

The Four Winds Holistic Cleanse

by Nicholas Schnell, RH (AHG), RD, LMNT



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/22/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467850698
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781434389862

About the Book

With our environment, homes and food becoming increasingly toxic, it is more important to practice natural cleansing methods now than any time in history.  The information contained in this book is essential to reestablishing and maintaining good health.  Cleansing is one of the oldest and most revered natural healing practices.  It is also one of the most misunderstood.  This is the first book to take a comprehensive approach to cleansing and detoxification programs.  The Four Winds Holistic Cleanse described in this book is the first complete program to address detoxifying the entire body in a safe, gentle and effective manner. 

This book provides the reader with everything they need to know about cleansing including the history, the body’s detox pathways, understanding toxins and their role in disease, herbal medicine and supplements, home spa techniques and a specific two week program.  The program is based on a combination of clinical experience working with patients, the latest scientific findings and best of ancient traditions.  The most unique aspect of this book is its emphasis on showing the reader how to embracing cleansing as a truly transformative physical healing process and a catalyst to personal growth.  The Four Winds Holistic Cleanse is a powerful catalyst anyone can use to stimulate the bodies innate ability to heal itself.    By purchasing this book, you are taking a powerful journey to return to optimal health. 


"All true healing begins with detoxification. This book will show how to cleanse and detoxify your body’s systems safely and effectively." Michael Tierra, author of the East West Herb Course, Way of Herbs and Planetary Herbology and founder of the American Herbalists Guild (AHG).


“Unlike many books on cleansing, Nicholas shares a comprehensive, historical and practical synopsis of cleansing therapies.  The program is safe, simple and practical.  Most importantly it is backed by his years of practicing as a clinical herbalist.  I highly recommend it to anyone who has interest in cleansing or natural healing.”  Miles Coleman, Herbalist, RH (AHG


“I recommend this book to my patients as a useful adjunct to natural healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments.  I have seen many patients benefit tremendously from the Four Winds Holistic Cleanse program described in this book.  I feel it is excellent for helping to heal many of the chronic diseases facing so many Americans today.”   

Joel Dunning, Acupuncturist, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Herb. 

About the Author

Nicholas Schnell, RH (AHG), RD, LMNT has studied herbal medicine since the age of twelve.  He is a clinical herbalist and clinical nutritionist in private practice in Omaha, Nebraska.  He maintains a thriving alternative medicine clinic, helping those of all ages who suffer from a variety of diseases.  His unique and diverse background integrates Native American, European, American, Traditional Chinese, Traditional Ayurvedic, and clinical approaches to herbal medicine.  He is the founder of the Four Winds Center for Herbal Studies and faculty member at a variety of local colleges.  Nicholas’s passion for cleansing programs grew out of his observation of how drastically they improved his own health and the health of his patients.  His decision to write this book was based on his concern for how much confusion there was regarding cleansing programs among the public and healthcare providers.  His discovery of many unhealthy cleansing programs compelled him to share his vision and wisdom of detox therapies with the world. 


Contacting the Author and Additional Information on Seasonal Cleansing

Visit the author’s clinic website at  Extra books and cleansing products can be ordered from his on-line store at  Nicholas can be contacted for professional lectures and workshops via email at