The We Factor

The Mechanics of Living Spirit

by Kristine Gay Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/15/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467838399
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9781434382283

About the Book

Unlike many books that create arguments to sway the reader’s mentality, THE WE FACTOR takes the reader on an experiential journey through every day events to illuminate a new way of being in our world. Such topics as Relationships, Feelings and Emotions, Communication, Peer Pressure, Guidance, and Nature are among the areas explored.

The reader’s heart and body respond as the lyrical quality of the words weave experiences to open awareness. Dwelling in the wonder of the moment, seeing with fresh eyes, the otherwise solid foundation of our day-to-day world melts into an energetic ocean of infinite possibilities.

> How do I find my life’s purpose?
> How can I release my fears and find peace?
> What do I need to do to make a difference in our world?

Answers to these questions come in such a grounded, tactile way that each reader can be moved to realize their fullest potential. The simplicity, yet magnitude, of the challenge before us calls for every individual on our planet to rise to the occasion. This book shares the small steps that will bring all of us to the Heaven on Earth we desire.

About the Author

Kristine Gay Johnson – author, inspirational speaker and energy-worker – was born and raised in Seattle, Washington. She lived in Los Angeles, New Jersey and Houston before moving to Florida in 1986 with her husband, Lee. She has spoken at many of the New Age churches in the Tampa Bay area, revealing inspirational words drawn from Spirit by the energy of the group gathered. She became a Reiki Master in 2000, and also practices Therapeutic Touch, chakra-balancing and other energy healing modalities.

Her first Divinely inspired book, DANCE WITH THE STARS: A Personal Journey to Spirituality, provides a beginner’s handbook into subtle unseen elements that underlie our visible world. Realizing the Life energy that flows beneath everyday events allows the reader to connect into a more rewarding spiritual life. Readers at all levels on their spiritual path have enthusiastically received and benefited from its message.

Kristine worked in corporate environments for more than 40-years before retiring at the end of 2007. Having experience in various industries and vocations, she worked as a senior systems analyst during the last half of her full-time work career. It became a joyful quest to balance the intellect of the left-brain with the spiritual awareness of the right-brain to uplift the energy in the workplace. Now making her home in Citrus county on the beautiful Nature Coast of Florida, she continues to follow intuitive guidance to be of service how and where she can.

Kristine has spent many years in this life (as well as many previous lifetimes) seeking, finding and sharing God/Creator’s Truth. Her life-long interest in spiritual growth and the natural world has stimulated her remembrance. Life observations and Divine inspirations mingle with her own gentle vibration to give her the ability to awaken divine knowing in those around her.