Lil Mack JR

by Bobby Delco



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438904733

About the Book

Li'l Mack the story of an E series Mack truck known as the Mack Jr. The story begins in 1936 when Li'l Mack Jr. rolls off the assembly line. He goes through trials and tribulations in life that teach him to be the best he can through his work and his many acquaintances. It is his mission in life to show that he can be as useful and important as the bigger trucks through his performance and attitude. He leads a full and important life confronting war, death and other obsticles that need support from friends and family to ease the burden.

     The book was written to be a positive influence to children and to help them understand the ups and downs associated with life. It shows that no matter what problems you are confronted with, you can face them through being strong willed, determined and have a positive attitude no matter what odds you are up against. Even though it is written for a younger crowd, it can be enjoyed by children from 1 to 100 and beyond. I hope you enjoy reading it to your children, or by yourself. It is my hope that Li'l Mack Jr. leaves you feeling better about yourself and the world around you and that you come away from it with a smile on your face. Enjoy!

About the Author

I was born in Jersey City, New Jersey August 27 1962. I began my writing career at the age of 9 sending short stories to my aunt Millie in Baltimore for her to enjoy. I have always had a love for writing, and I have written other novels some of which will be published hopefully in the near future. I am a graduate of Rowan University class of 88' with a B.A. in History. I now reside in New Hampshire; a state with the beauty and serenity that allow me to write with pleasure and fluidity. I plan on continuing my writing career as long as my hands and brain will allow me, so stay tuned...........