Chemo to the Rescue

A Children's Book About Leukemia




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/27/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 48
ISBN : 9781434397201

About the Book

When my daughter, Caitlin, was diagnosed with leukemia, she was five years old. Our life changed dramatically, and it was hard to answer the questions she had about her illness and explain why she must go through chemotherapy for such a long time. At one point she began to rebel against the treatment, not understanding that the medicine that was making her feel bad was actually saving her life. Creating this book with Caitlin helped her to come to terms with her illness and accept the treatment. It gave her the power she needed to fight and be strong during the difficult times. She is now eight years old and fully recovered. She looks back on this time as challenging, yet with pride. We hope that our book will encourage other children in the same way by providing a positive outlook to chemotherapy and hospital life. To view our book and read our story please go to our webite at:

About the Author