McCary Fluted Point Survey of Virginia

Point 1 to 1055

by Wm Jack Hranicky



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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/7/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781434370303

About the Book

This book is a report on 50+ years of collecting paleopoint data in Virginia. It contains drawings, rubbings, and photographs of 1055 Paleoindian projectile points. All point data is listed which can be obtained on a CD from the McCary Fluted Point Survey of Virginia. The Survey publishes an annual point update which is available from the Survey. The author can be contacted at:


About the Author

The author has over 40 years of experience in American prehistoric archaeology. He has authored hundreds of paper and published over 20 books. He is a charter memner of the Registry of American Archaeologists (RPA), past president of the Eastern States Archeological Federation and the Archeological Society of Virginia. He is Director of the Virginia Rockart Survey and the McCary Fluted Point Survey of Virginia. His main interest and research is on the Before Clovis era in the Americas. He has published over 150 papers, monographs, and books.