Estrogen Revisited: Lifelong & Fearless

by Donna Walters & Blane Crandall MD



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/29/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781434359841

About the Book

Menopause:   Menopause must be endured -- an accepted notion, right?  WRONG!  Millions of women  have chosen a menopause-free lifestyle, and Donna Walters, 62, is among that number. Unbelievably true, she has NEVER experienced menopause and lives a healthy, youthful and energetic life. Her womanhood is intact, and she remains active in the game of life. To benefit women worldwide and to create estrogen awareness, Ms. Walters dares to publicize two newsworthy realities never discussed or acknowledged:  successful long-term estrogen use and never having menopause! 


Fact:   The 2002 Woman's Health Initiative study, riddled with one-sided, fear-based results, caused a massive rejection of  HRT.  Yet, millions of women disregarded those results and now enjoy a menopause-free life due to estrogen use.  Among that number, Ms. Walters, a successful 31-year estrogen user, debunks the estrogen controversy and virtually eliminates confusion and fear amid silent sufferers!


Confirmation:   Co-author Dr. Blane Crandall, an OB/GYN surgeon, provides valuable information encompassing estrogen and its health benefits.  His compelling views are shared to stop the ongoing disability; the taking of physical, mental, social, and emotional health; and the eventual premature death millions of women worldwide. Dr. Crandall states, “Most women can start HRT at any age, even in the eighties and nineties.”


Choice:  Menopause can cause 22 negative, lifelong health issues!  Women need to know many can be circumvented through estrogen use, and more importantly, the avoidance of menopause can be a choice.   Estrogen Revisited fuels the fight for the right to choose! 


Improvement:  Passionate about truth, Ms. Walters oversees an effort to improve women's lives beyond  menopausal years.  Sounding a clarion call, she announces, “The effects of menopause range from osteoporosis to breast cancer; heart disease to stroke, and they can be life altering.  Improvement in women’s health is needed NOW!   Estrogen Revisited is the starting point…”


About the Author

The professional career of Donna Walters is quite diverse.  Donna was employed for ten years on Capitol Hill in a variety of staff positions, including secretary to several individual Members of Congress and as a Subcommittee Clerk for a House Committee.  Following her Congressional service, she worked for almost four years in the White House during the Carter and Reagan Administrations. After leaving the White House, Donna has worked the past 20 years with senior partners in various law firms including assisting several managing partners.  Her present employment is with one of the top largest law firms in the United States.  Moreover, Donna was a partner in her husband's small business for twenty years.   


Donna is now active in creating a movement concerning estrogen awareness and menopause. Her passion is to provide important and timely information to women concerning estrogen and menopause enabling them to make vital decisions concerning their health issues.  She wants the world to know the truth about menopause  --  it can be a woman's choice.


Life expectancy for women is approaching 80 years.  Donna states, "Given today's medical technology and advancements, women deserve good health for more than just 51 pre-menopausal years. We've entered a new century and are at the brink of a new decade. What better time than now to change attitudes and mindsets concerning menopause, especially since nothing has improved for women since birth control pills in the 1960s?  Either improve it or eliminate it!!!"