A Verse by Verse Commentary on Revelation

by Elder G. E. Jones



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/12/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467821308
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 316
ISBN : 9781434322401

About the Book

While Revelation is basically a book of prophecy, yet it is full of doctrinal teaching.  Such doctrines as God’s foreknowledge, the inspiration of the Word, the deity of Christ, blood redemption, the resurrections, repentance, faith, security, the perpetuity of the churches, Israel’s restoration, the great tribulation period, the judgments, the reward of the saints, and the earthly reign of Christ and His saints are all found in the book.  The whole plan of redemption and the fulfillment of all prophecy finds its consummation in Revelation.


The only light which God’s children have to strengthen and encourage them in this day of fear and uncertainty is the light of prophecy.  God’s faithful saints put their faith in the coming of the Son of God, our Redeemer, our protector, and our sure refuge in the time of life’s gravest perils.  Let us sound out the sure word of prophecy!


From the author of:


That Ye May Marvel or The Significance of Bible Numbers


The Pattern, The Tabernacle, The Christ.



“Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand.”

(Revelation 1:3)

About the Author

George Elliott Jones was born in 1889, the second son of Dr. W. A. Jones and his wife Etta.  Elliott’s mother died in childbirth when he was four years old and until their father’s remarriage the five young children were cared for by their maternal grandparents.  J.R.G.W.N. Adams, a retired schoolteacher and preacher, took an active interest in his grandchildren’s education and Elliott learned to read before entering public school.  His grandmother, Sarah, managed the doctor’s home.  She prayed that one of Etta’s four boys would become a preacher.


Elliott was the answer to that prayer.  He graduated from Ouachita Baptist College in 1914, having entered the gospel ministry two years previously.  In 1917 he enlisted in the U.S. Army and served in France and Germany.  After his discharge in 1919, he married Miss Faye Crotchett of Argenta, Arkansas.  To this union were born two sons and four daughters.  G. E. Jones was active in the pastoral, evangelistic and teaching ministry for over 53 years and lectured in many churches across the United States.  His writing career began in 1931 and continued until his death in 1966.  During this time he contributed articles to various religious and secular papers, and authored 40 books, including That Ye May Marvel or The Significance of Bible Numbers and The Pattern, The Tabernacle, the Christ.