The Best Laid Plan

by Enzo Silvestri



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/19/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781425971571

About the Book

THE BEST LAID PLAN is a plan that is well planned, and has been laid out since the beginning.  The High King and the Commissioner planned it all.  When the battle reached its height and the two friends were called upon to do their best, they could not fail, they had to succeed.  After all the traveling they knew that the most important thing was to deliver the satchels to the King.  Tsami knew they must contain vital battle plans that the High King must have at all costs.  After all he was always secretly with them, whenever they were stuck, he always seemed to send help, and he always knew where they were.  Something always ate at them though, and was in fact suggested by Tsado, why, if the High King was so powerful, couldn’t he deliver them himself?  Who is Old Count Nick?  He seems to be more than a match for their puny weapons, or is he?  The King’s Courtroom.  Why does it look so familiar, his courtiers, he knows them surely!

About the Author

Born in the rural village of Torrrice, Italy, Enzo's parents emigrated to Australia, where he grew up in the sugar cane town of Childers, Queensland.  He enlisted in the RAAF from school and then as a civilian again worked at several occupations from advertising to cab driving.  He helped teach a Children’s Ministry class each Sunday with his Church, and developed many characters to while teaching.  At the Age of 26 he traveled to Italy to visit his birth place, and many relatives he’d never known.  The travel-bug had now bitten him however, and once back in Australia, he used the relative freedom of cab driving, to travel again, this time, the world over, and he lived out one of his fantasies, which was living in Israel, where he worked for two years.  He attended Christian Heritage College in Brisbane, Australia, where he completed a BA in (English Literature and History), and began teaching.  After studying Children’s Literature he turned his hand to writing and wrote the Tsami & Tsado trilogy.  He then completed a BEd Italian & English) and MA (Applied Linguistics) at the University of Queensland.

In 2004 he began teaching English in North Carolina, USA where he has found a wealth of inspiration.  He lives in rural St Pauls with his dog, an Australian Shepherd of course, and his Chooks (chickens in America). Enzo attends the First Pentecostal Holiness Church, and approaches his writing with a philosophy which says, ‘if the story is not going to up-build and teach something lasting, why bother writing it?