Last Days

by Rev. Ronnie Hixon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/15/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781425909932
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467071758

About the Book

Churches the world over are claiming to embrace Christianity while they embrace the world with a consuming passion. Biblical wickedness is at astounding levels and being embraced by the professing church. A religion which denies that Jesus is the Christ is rising on the world scene like a raging inferno. The cries of our slain unborn are crying out to God like the blood of righteous Able. Armies are massing around the borders of Israel. The world is embracing a doctrine of "Every man has a right to do what is right in their own eyes". Mothers are killing their own children leaving the natural affection of motherhood. Persecution against the church is on the rise. Are we in the last days spoken of by our Lord Jesus Christ? The love of many has grown cold toward God but immorality in the church is fueling the flames of sin. We must be about our Fathers business and trim the wicks so that we can witness, live and preach in the power of the Holy Spirit in these trying times. This book is an appeal to the Christian. It is laying bare the truth that we are at the midnight hour. It is not an explanation of the Book of Revelation. It is an exhortation to turn to Christ with all of our hearts that we may be found in him with our whole heart.

            I hope you get the blessing and exhortation in Christ that is the driving force behind this book. It was my fingers that typed but it is Gods burden, The Holy Ghost guidance and the Lord Jesus Christ love that compelled me to write. May God bless you abundantly in the Spirit of Christ as you read.


In Christ wonderful and everlasting service,


Rev. Ronnie Hixon


About the Author

 I am an ordained minister of the Lord Jesus Christ and have been in the ministry for the last twenty three years. I was saved on the morning of January 17th, 1982 in Trinity Baptist Church in Asheville NC. The story of how God convicted me of my sins and brought me to the point of accepting Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior is a worthy story in itself but I will not go into that here. I began my ministry by going to nursing homes and preaching on the street at the bus turnaround in Asheville. God let me see many souls saved. I went from there to jails and prisons ministering the Gospel.
I consider myself extremely blessed. God has allowed me to be instrumental in starting a successful church here in North Carolina. I have served as choir director, associate pastor and as pastor. I received a Masters in Theology from a “Through the mail” college while pasturing. I could not walk across the stage and receive my diploma because I was preaching a funeral when the ceremony was taking place. That has never been important to me anyway. My desire is to see souls saved and lives rescued. My entire ministry has not been successful. I have failed God more times than I care to remember but I thank God that he will not let go of his own. I have had to learn the hard way I suppose that not only is the power to save in the hands of God who is so capable but the responsibility to keep is also in his loving hands. I think that is enough about me. Let me tell you about this book.
 I see people struggling with peer pressure and societies soul grinding guilt to live pleasing to the world. I want to be an example in a generation where so many are departing from the faith. I want to be a Christian even before being a minister that people can look at and see Jesus Christ in me in the midst of a sinful generation. I want to be faithful when Jesus calls his church. I want my lamp trimmed and filled with lots of fuel. Too many times we hide the light of Christ in the church where the light can only be seen by those in the Church. May God help us to be filled with his Holy Spirit and be a light before a lost and dying world? May God grant us to use the godly talents and gifts we have in a time when using these talents and gifts are not popular? The books stores are full of books explaining about the Great Tribulation. It is not what is going to happen after the rapture that is important to me. It is what is happening now in these last days.