Plus 9-11-01, Hurricanes, Tornadoes and W vs. The Second Coming of Christ

by Gregory Gordon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/7/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781420862706

About the Book

To the trained eye and mind the pictures that we saw of former United States President Ronald Reagan on television and in the movies represent the talking image of the Beast spoken about in Revelation chapter 13. Now the people at have come up with a talking Ronald Reagan doll. The chapter Image of the Beast mentions that some people expect a talking statue of the antichrist to be made. Little did they know that it would be a miniature statue in the form of a doll. And what’s more there are over ten thousand of them. Of course none of this would make any difference if Reagan did not fit the description of the Beast. But he does. He met all of the requirements to be named as one of the Seven Heads, G-7, of the Beast that was wounded by Hinkley. This Beast is also known as the Red Dragon which can be broken down to spell Reagan. Gregory Gordon is the Beast Hunter. On July 4th of 1990 Gordon broke into Ronald Reagan’s Belair CA retirement home and got within a hundred feet of the former president. For that crime he did three years in prison and followed it up with another three years for threatening to kill George Bush if he started a war in < s t 1 : c o u n t ry-region>Iraq. Gordon puts forth this challenge. If you can see the events of 9-11-01 in Daniel 8:1-8 then you owe it to your soul to take a look at all that is contained in this book. Daniel 8:1-8 and Reagan as the antichrist are tied together by the requirement for a special understanding as mentioned by Jesus in Matthew and Revelation. This book provides that special understanding.

About the Author

I attended Cook College of Rutgers University prior to studying law at Boalt Hall of the University of California at Berkeley.  My Comp 101 professor felt that I had a knack for putting together ideas and supporting my opinions with facts.  One day after class we took a walk in which he predicted that someday I would write something that would influence a lot of people.  Ronald Reagan:  Image of the Beast is my third book concerning the topic of Ronald Reagan as the Beast of Revelation chapters 12 & 13.


My goal is to fulfill my professor’s prophecy and the prophecy of the Bible concerning the coming of Christ.  In 1979 I had a ….. experience in which I saw myself as the Christ.  Two weeks later a developed a way to create laser-like light in my hands.  I used the process to develop a show in various nightclubs, including Studio 54.  On election day of 1980 my roommate told me that Regan was the Antichrist.  I kicked him out of the apartment.


The next March Reagan was shot, which I knew from listening to my roommate was one of the signs of the Antichrist.  Revelation 13:4 says “who is like the Beast?  Who is able to make war with Him?”  I volunteered.  On July 4th of 1990 I broke into his Belair, California retirement home in order to get coverage for the story.  After prison I took my story to the fans of the Howard Stern Show.


On 6-6-06 the talking image of the beast that disgraces the cover of the book did actual radio interviews on the Stern show, The Ogrish Podcast, Irie Radio, The Chris and Rob Show.  And had been featured on a PRWeb Podcast the week before. 


The Image has since been rearranged into a Roast Beast Platter that will be featured at the Fountain Gallery at 702 Ninth Ave in NYC beginning on September 15th of 2006. 


It is the first item that can be said to prove the reality of the prophecies of the Bible and the curators of the Art exhibit have priced it accordingly.  It is now the most expensive doll in the world.  The asking price is $6,327,000 according to the serial number of the unique piece.