Placebo Fonts

by Brandon Denham



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/20/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781420839111

About the Book

Placebo Fonts is Brandon Denham''s freshman collection of poetry. Although Denham''s main theme, emptiness and observing, are present in most of the works, he''s also stretched into detail of simple wants as in "studio comfort," coping with a four year longing of someone, who he later trickily discloses in "goodbye / no hello," in "shared for four years," and reflects on a timeline of a past relationship which ends during the current in "polarity''s last word." At the end, Denham has turned his view of observing in the direction of a short story in "vegans swallow."

What Placebo Fonts is, is an invention of throwing sound alike syllables together in sentences around imaginative verse. And if the last poem in the book, "intro," tells us anything, it''s that there''s more to come.

About the Author

Brandon Denham was born and raised in Michigan City, IN.  While still in high school at the age of eighteen, Denham had his first poem published by the Live Poets Society entitled "You."  Shortly after wards Denham moved to Chicago, IL where he attended Columbia College and dropped out after one semester.  Still residing in Chicago at the age of twenty-two, Denham has completed a few screenplays and put together his first collection of poetry entitled "Placebo Fonts."  The introduction of this book marks the first of a series yet to come.