The Burden of Matter

by Bill Carrigan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/24/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 268
ISBN : 9781420831863

About the Book

Alan and Donna, in their early twenties, fall in love in Washington, D.C., as World War II draws to a close. Alan is intent upon writing a novel that will expose his stepfather as his father’s murderer. Donna hopes to marry him and escape her dysfunctional home. Despite Alan’s slow recovery from a war wound and conflicts arising from prior involvements, they pursue an intense affair.

            Social changes and Alan’s meager income as a musician strain the relationship. Donna’s longing to marry him intensifies, but he cannot yet consider wedlock. She reaches a critical decision. Then Alan takes a more direct approach to avenging his father’s death…Unforeseen events, as well as latent depths of character, drive the surprising conclusion.

            The Burden of Matter is not a ‘romance’. Vibrant with suspense and drama of the war years, it is a realistic, graphic story of two lovers’ worst and best days during a turbulent time in America.


About the Author

Bill Carrigan had a long career as a science writer and editor at the National Institutes of Health and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Now retired, he lives in Sarasota, Florida, and writes fiction.


Other novels by Bill Carrigan available at AuthorHouse (

The Parachute Plant


Seldom Go By

The Runaway Clock