Petal Rose
As the river of rain flows
There falls a petal rose
Flowing in the rain in a steady pose,
She is a red silky petal,
Wondering rose wonders, when will the rain settle,
Listening to the screaming sky kettle,
Many petals, old and young are falling,
There is no solution to be stalling
For it seems like God is ignoring our calling,
Now why are you crying,
Don’t let feelings fall, keep trying
To smile, but petals keep dying,
Petals fall one after the other to the ground,
Tears shed all around
Where eyes find petals fall, without the slightest sound,
We live in silence from fear,
Added to the river is another tear
For unfortunately, next season that rose will not reappear,
Close your eyes for a wish,
Asking the garden not to be foolish,
Asking the river to stay calm while we fish
Out those feelings of hurt and pain,
Ask for no more rain
For no rose should be mundane,
Extraordinary in every way
Is the rainless day
With no clouds of gray,
Can it be I see not petal fall from its bud,
Tears are absent from the river flood,
No silky rose bleeding its silky blood,
All the petals have fallen down,
That red color has turned to brown,
For the whole garden is in frown,
The cold winter
Sharp like a rose stem’s splinter
For all petal’s fear the coming winter,
The garden is dark
Under an ice arch,
Swift winter hunter like a shark.
Moves while all sleep,
Roses die without a peep
For the tear fall down deep,
The sun comes out
As the sky kettle doesn’t pout
Or loudly shout,
The winter will come back around
And once again we shall hear that crying sound,
Petal rose will fall to the ground
As the river will run dry,
For each petal rose will cry
For each petal rose as they die.