Cuba, Castro and the King Solomon

by Luis Grave de Peralta Morell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/19/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781418495978

About the Book

The legend says that two women were claiming to be the mother of the same child. They were taken to King Solomon, a king known by his wisdom, so that he could resolve the situation.  The King proposed to cut the child in half so that each woman had a piece of him. The legend says that in that manner the King discovered who the real mother was and he gave the child to her.


In 1962, a greedy Cuban leader played the role of King Solomon’s impostor mother. When facing the alternative of losing the power he had just gained or sacrificing the people to whom he had promised to defend, he proposed to a foreign government the destruction of not only his enemies but of his own people. The following historical documents will testify and enlighten those who consider themselves inheritors of King Solomon’s wisdom.

About the Author

Born in November 1957, in the eastern city of Holguin, Luis Grave de Peralta Morell was president of the official Castro government University Student Federation of the Physics-Chemistry-Mathematics Faculty at the University of Oriente, where he graduated as a Physicist in 1982.


Luis was Professor of Theoretical Physics and Biophysics at that university until 1989, when he was expelled from the faculty after his voluntary resignation from the Cuban communist party.


In 1992, Grave de Peralta was apprehended and accused of “rebellion through pacific means” for being the author of the book manuscript Cuban Themes or Recreational Dialectic. Because of this unpublished manuscript, he was sentenced to thirteen years in a maximum-security prison.


After four years, in 1996, thanks to an international effort to gain his release along with other political prisoners, he was deported directly from jail to the United States in an U.S. Air Force plane. In exile, Luis resumed his work as a scientist and in 2000, he received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Texas Tech University. Since them, Dr. L. Grave de Peralta has published a dozen of scientific papers in archival journals as Journal of Quantum Electronics, Photonic Technology Letters, Journal of Lightwave Technology, and Journal of Applied Physics.


In 1997, his book, La Magia del Cariño (The Magic of Love), a collection of short stories written for his children from his jail cell, was published in Mexico. Grave de Peralta decided to make these stories public as part of his tireless effort for several years to gain freedom for his sons and for his family reunification, which had been prevented by the Cuban government.


In 2001, his second book, La Mafia de La Habana, was published in Spanish with a cover designed by his son, Gabriel. The English translation, The Mafia of Havana, was published in 2002.


Grave de Peralta lives in Lubbock, Texas with his older son Gabriel, his wife, Maria, and his younger son, Cesar, who finally arrived from Cuba on November 16, 2001. They maintains the web-page, which is dedicated to spread the reality about our beloved homeland and seeking worldwide support for the freedom advocates that inside Cuba work for the end of the Castro’s mafia era.