Patches From the Blanket of Life

by Judie Phillips



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/13/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781418485948

About the Book

Picture for a moment life as a baseball game. So often we are only looking for, or remembering only the home runs in the game. In reality it is the singles and the doubles that make up the score at the end of the game. Being a mother and father, trying to raise moral children with character is a challenge at best. I believe that Judie has captured the whole game of life with her patchwork of stories, that will inspire and encourage those raising families today. As Judie knits story after story together to make up the blanket of life, she gives you the feeling we should be thankful for the little things in life, as well as the big. It is possible with God today to have victory in raising a family.


Her loving husband and partner for life Norm Phillips

About the Author

Can an ordinary everyday mother of four children 2 grandchildren, and a successful marriage of over 30 years have anything to say into today’s world?  I think Judie has done a masterful job letting women and mothers around the world know they are much more than targets for a gift once or twice a year.  Judie Phillips has beautifully woven her family’s life into a unique form so all who would read her works will be encouraged and inspired to be the type of mother that made this country what it is today.  Her faith in God and country and the love for her children is a breath of fresh air.  Judies book will encourage and warm the hearts of women and mothers for years to come.  This may be Judie’s first book, but I pray not the last. To Judie I say... BRAVO!


From her best friend