

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/1/0001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 492
ISBN : 9781418437763
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 492
ISBN : 9781418437756

About the Book

The name--..oft heard and heralded during and after World War II


ordinarily speaks for itself----------------------------however in this book, the unforgettable, untold to this day, human story of the legendary “Pappy Gunn,” hero of the Pacific Air War and to his family who knew and loved him ------.this story is told with the understanding of one who had the foreknowledge and burning determination to sort out the facts and myths about him, Nathaniel Gunn, the author, fellow lover of flying, and his youngest son, who was with him until his untimely crash in Civilian life doing what he loved to do - flying, flying, flying!!

You’ll find the story intriguing in its discoveries, packed with Pappy’s own personal original files, long forgotten letters, documents and photographs spanning Pappy’s youth into the U.S. Navy, marriage, retirement in Hawaii and move to the Philippine Islands.  Then, the untimely entrance of the United States in the WWII bombing and capture of Manila.   Most of all, this story draws a perceptive focus on --.the man----as the person and courageous patriot he truly was, joining the U. S.Air Force he was at this time--.

Fighting 3 wars at once

  • His family imprisoned by the Japanese..
  • The brass who needed him to accomplish the impossible
  • And, the enemy who had the upperhand, but not for long !!

Thank God - his was a triumphant battle in all three!!!!

About the Author

Nathaniel Irvin Gunn, was born on November 17, 1930 in Washington, D. C.  Interestingly enough, instead of a midwife, his own father helped to deliver him.

At eleven years old, Nathaniel and his family lived through the horrors of World War II in a Japanese Prison Camp for three long years.  His father, fortunately or unfortunately, was called into the military  battling his own three wars to free them.

Nathaniel’s early life was in the sunlight and shadow of his father, Paul I. “Pappy’ Gunn.

His own personality and love of adventure and flying in a different context, left an impression on Nathaniel and a unyielding desire to give his father this tribute only he could relate.  His writing abilities put to the ultimate test, he hopes the reader will find the story one long overdue and an enduring part of history it should be.

Nathaniel was educated in the Philippine Islands after the war by his own choice where he was given an insight into more than the everyday events that shaped not only their family life but, also, the underworkings of governmental decisions that sometimes shaped countries and world politics.