Origin of the Solar System

Accretion Disk or No!

by Dr. Milton M. Beck



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/24/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781449079215
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9781418489304

About the Book

This book contains the reasons why the author does not believe the accretion disk origin theory for our solar system.  That theory might fit other system, but not ours.  The author first shows reasons why the currently accepted theory doesn’t fit.  He goes from one facet of the accretion disk theory to another discrediting each in turn.  The author then describes his own theory.  The author has made a good effort to define a sequence of events that resulted in our solar system.  How well his theory is accepted remains to be seen, but he asks for a fair chance for its evaluation.  He presents an interesting idea.

About the Author

Milton Beck lives in the state of Washington after retiring from a career in the environmental field and as a practicing veterinarian. After leaving the veterinary field due to health, Milton went back to school to obtain a degree in education.  During the science education studies he took classes in astronomy, with great interest.  One class included the theory of the origin of the solar system.  The explanation for the origin of the solar system did not sit right with Milton.  He began an 18-year search for information that allowed him to come up with an idea that at least to him made more sense.  This book is a result of that search.

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