The Mafia Leader's Cookbook

A Novel

by S. R. Palumbo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/18/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781410796127
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781410796110

About the Book

True comic novels are as rare these days as an undiscovered Rembrandt or Picasso, and for anyone who can possibly imagine Woody Allen as a "hit man" for the Mafia (an art teacher who is mugged and suffers amnesia), this novel presents a page by page cure-all for any ill that fails to withstand unrepressed laughter. Add to this a touch of almost impossible love (the Mafia Leader's stone cold daughter, a spinster, actually does just that by falling for the mistaken hit man, despite herself, and the suicidal odds against it) and lucky readers need fear anymore the dark winter nights, or hot summer days, while tasting the sweets of this menacing, screwball comedy that can't get any funnier than it already is --and the author, in preparation for more, is already at work on another confection of comedy: Who Killed Ramona Rosenberg? Which raises even more questions than the title suggests.

About the Author

Mr. Palumbo, a native New Yorker and graduate of Columbia University, Teachers College, has worked extensively in the field of education and has now embarked on a career in writing. He is currently working on another novel:

WHO KILLED RAMONA ROSENBERG (a comedy/murder mystery), and a collection of short stories: A WEREWOLF FOR ALL SEASONS. His screenplay: THE GOOMBA CHRONICLES is being considered for future production.