Incite Planetary Revolution

The Color of God and the Substance Thereof

by The Rant of Syndax Vuzz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/29/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 172
ISBN : 9781410743558

About the Book

The idea for this book came together after years of intense study of psychological and social revolution -in literature and in the daily struggle to survive and provide for the family at the lowest strata of society as an unskilled laborer.

Upon encountering the phrase “planetary revolution” in a newspaper article concerning the WorldWatch Institute’s annual report on the state of the globe in the late ‘80’s, a lightning bolt flash of insight burned itself into the authors brain.

This book is the result. It weaves together the various threads of life's evolution- biological, psychological, technological and social- to introduce to you a new alternative vision of human life on planet earth, a vision that promotes what is right and what is of the highest value. It is about discovering the way to true health, safety and security. It is for people who want to gain the benefits freedom and love guarantee.

About the Author

Syndax Vuzz is not an expert in any recognized field of study.

After one year of college and seven years traveling the states from California to Florida working farms, factories, machine shops, warehouse, construction and the oil fields Vuzz settled down to over two decades of providing for a family on the wages of a common laborer.

All the while, one burning obsession possessed his mind- revolution, both psychological and social- how to live a free, creative, righteous life in the middle of the cutthroat competition of the urban consumer economy.

The voice of Syndax Vuzz carries the weight and authority of the common man, the mass of humanity and speaks for those in pain.