My Poems

by Charles D. Hershey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/17/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781418407261

About the Book

My Poems portrays the author as much more than a rhyming versifier. His thoughts in the form of poetry slip right into the hungry, perhaps hurting, receptive soul with an energizing healing quality. As you read you will connect with the beauty of nature, the joys and sorrows of humanity, and the God who brought it all into being. You will laugh and cry, feel contentment and longing, enjoy refreshment and sometimes feel perplexed as the personal expression of the author, sharing experiences of his soul journey, sinks into your soul.

Poems of celebration for the baby of Bethlehem, aspirations for the New Year, and verses describing the possible thoughts of Adam, Noah, Abraham, and Daniel add to the variety of this collection. As you read you are bound to find your heart opening to the love radiating from these pages and want to share your finding with family, friends, and acquaintences that they too may be enriched.

About the Author

Charles Denlinger Hershey was born in 1936 on a farm in Spring Garden, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  While growing up in a family of six children it became evident that music, not farm work, was his passion. He was directing his own chorus while still a teenager. After college graduation he spent many years teaching, directing, and arranging music.  He wrote lyrics for some of his own compositions then, later in life, more poetry flowed from his pen as he came to enjoy the process of expressing thoughts and feelings in verse. Both country living and a deeply spiritual life contribute to the depth of feeling expressed in his poetry.