Patrick's World

by Joanna Odom



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/13/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 572
ISBN : 9781403377081

About the Book

Patrick Murphy’s a young man who becomes a missionary with a sense of humor with a flair for doing the impossible. Together with his assistant, Matthew Browne and his church they explore the regions of the Americas, the Middle East and New York City, with the wealth of knowledge that the “Good Book” gives us they do whatever is asked of them. Elizabeth, his wife brings together the story with her dry humor and a bit of temper; together they raise lots of children who have various types of personalities that make an interesting and humorous situation for their parents.

Patrick’s own personality is very interesting since he never meets a stranger; he fears flying but does it a lot and loves children. And he goes out on a limb to help his best friend.

About the Author

She started her writing career as a teenager but it wasn't until later in life that she took creative writing classes to enhance her ability. She was told by a teacher that she had a natural ability to tell a story but she pursued her present line of work professional animal grooming that gave her a lot to write about at first. But one of her passions is to create interesting funny stories, which she hopes will make people laugh and reflect on life. Joanna lives with her cream-colored tabby cat named Rhoda, in Fayetteville, North Carolina, who has been several of the characters in previous works.