The Dream Conspiracy
Book Details
About the Book
Returning to the daily routine, he discovers he wants more out of life. Unexpectedly, changes are then imposed on him, and he soon finds himself at the centre of a conspiracy. But before he can uncover the plot, he and wife Carmel, are suddenly sent on an intriguing journey that ultimately leads them on a wild goose chase around Europe, to North Africa, and home again.
On the way, civil strife, accidents and other disasters increase in number and intensity for no apparent reason, as they try to figure out who is really behind the chaotic state of the world.
The further they travel, the more they discover about themselves, the people around them, and the reality of what began as a dream.
About the Author
It was no wonder he chose journalism on leaving school in 1974, and followed this path for the next twenty-two years. Several jobs since then, just didn’t have the same satisfaction, so he began writing in his spare time.
He completed his first novel, The Longest Dream, early in 2001, and it was published later that year by 1st Books.
The Dream Conspiracy continues the story.
Glenn has also had a short story published as part of a collection, by NZ Publishers, Harper Collins.