Miracle Lady on 6th Floor

One Woman's Survival Through Cancer, Its Aftereffects and Near-Death Experience

by Ruth E. Foat



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/1/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9780759690790

About the Book

Cancer rings like a death sentence when you hear, "Your cancer is very serious!" Or the second time (a year and half later), "The five-and-a-half by seven-and-a-half inch mass has grown around your upper intestine; the main vein for the lower half of your body goes right through it and it lies against your aorta. We don’t think we can do surgery."

The story covers the last two-and-a-half years of great physical attacks in Ruth’s body: hemorrhaging, surgery, two cancers, radiation, ten weeks spent at the Cancer Treatment Centers of America/Tulsa, followed by a blown aorta (loss of twenty-three units of blood) and another surgery with only a one to nine percent chance of survival. The doctors, nurses, personnel and Catholic Father all called her "the miracle lady on 6th floor." She is amazed to be alive.

This book has no formulas or quick solutions recommended for healing. Ruth offers scriptural and practical ways to survive in the midst of fiery trials; to deal with the feelings of fear, pain, discouragement, depression, helplessness, and despair; and to retain hope for healing. She honestly shares her struggle in all three areas: that of the spirit, of the soul (mind and emotions), and the body.

About the Author

Ruth was raised on a farm in Iowa, learning to milk cows, feed pigs, drive the tractor, tend a garden, cook, sew, and play the piano – a great old-fashioned work ethic. Sunday afternoons were the highlight of the week, with games played together or sitting around Mother listening to her read. Her parents encouraged her to memorize 500 Scripture verses to win a trip to camp.

She attended Vennard College in University Park, Iowa, and completed her studies for ordination. Along with her husband, they pastored churches in North Dakota, Iowa, Oregon, and Minnesota. She has been a speaker for Women’s Aglow groups in several states, Marriage Enrichment Seminars, and Mother’s Day banquets plus leading Bible Studies in her local church and area. In Atlanta, she was the Registrar for a Bible College. Ruth Foat was a minister for thirty years before the physical attacks on her body.

She has lived what she writes. And, she says she is still learning. She is the mother of four children and eight grandchildren. She and her husband live in Mason City, Iowa.