The Cobalt Blue White Light

by Mark Thomas McDonough



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/9/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781418446307
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781418465827

About the Book

With the turn of the 21st century numerous apocalyptic prophecies abound predicting the ends of time, but Jonathan Callahan, a mild mannered Federal Government attorney, with some psychic ability, faces a more real nemesis, his petulant, sharp-tongued wife. Somehow he has survived almost twenty-five years of marriage and has raised two precocious teenagers daughters in the process. Yet, a miracle occurs and his wife agrees to a divorce. However, nothing is simple or easy for Jonathan. Soon he is fighting the almost ex-wife for both permanent custody of his two girls and anything else of value that isn’t nailed down. Jonathan’s best friend, a spirit guide named Masters, returns after six years, but to Jonathan’s dismay, Masters isn’t offering assistance, he’s enlisting Jonathan to help defeat a mysterious evil threatening this corner of the universe. With his domestic and universal peace efforts thwarted at every turn, ultimately, to survive, Jonathan must confront and conquer not only his almost ex-wife and the demons that attack him in his sleep, but he must finally face the shadows of his sealed past lurking within the dark corridors of his mind.

About the Author

The author, Mark McDonough, is an administrative
law attorney, who enjoys writing in his spare time. He
has worked at various times as a janitor in a home for the
elderly, in a lumber mill in Alaska, and as the assistant
business manager for three weekly newspapers in
He twice served in the United States Army,
including a tour of duty in Vietnam (1970-71). During
1968-71, he was a paratrooper, a parachute rigger and
a combat engineer. For the period 1981-85, he was a
Captain/Attorney in the Judge Advocate General’s
Corp, where he tried well over one hundred criminal
trials. As a prosecutor (for a total of 28 months), he was
responsible for trying the most diffi cult, complex, and
command interest cases in each of the four jurisdictions
where he served, achieving a one hundred percent
conviction rate in each of those jurisdictions (both
overseas and in the U.S.A.). However, what the author
says he most enjoyed was his decision to volunteer
and become a criminal defense counsel, representing
soldiers (for 20 months), where he was continuously
noted for his remarkable results defending soldiers.
As a criminal defense counsel, he also played a role
in investigating, gathering, and presenting evidence
against senior offi cers, including a general offi cer, who
used unlawful command infl uence to obstruct and deny
fair criminal trials for soldiers; although he claims to
have played a minor role in this matter, it is undisputed
that his evidence (in part), eventually led to the career
termination of three general offi cers and forced the
U.S. Army to implement additional legal safeguards
and training within the military command structure to
further protect the legal rights of U.S. soldiers.
The author presently resides in a quiet, suburban
neighborhood in Northern Virginia with his two
daughters and a small pack of Labrador retrievers.
When he is not following his daughters around various
sports fi elds, he spends his free time jogging, studying
the martial arts, and hiking and camping. Despite
having a life-long fascination with such topics as
UFOs, ESP, the Egyptian Pyramids, reincarnation, and
ancient civilizations, he’s a down to earth person, and
blames none of this on being born left-handed.
The Cobalt Blue White Light is the author’s second,
experimental novel, weaving psychological insights,
humor, and spiritual beliefs, indicating that we are
more than our physical selves.