The Coke Twins

by Filid Beltaine



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/18/2003

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 392
ISBN : 9781403355959
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 392
ISBN : 9781403317162

About the Book

This is a tale of seventies era, last of south Florida’s ‘Beat-Hippie’ Enclave, the village of Jacks Bight. The primary characters are: An abstract-expressionist, p’town, Greenwich village painter and his poet, ‘scrumdown’ – romantic nihilist – alter ego pal, confront life’s reality at forty, the painter schemes – they will sell ‘dope’ to friends in the artistic community – pocket half a million each within six months. The interplay of angst, genetic Keltic rebellion, patriotic outrage, absorbs the reader in a vicarious interplay in this eccentric romp!

Enter: The magnificent ‘Cynthia’ the poet’s gal. This is a marvelous, ‘wacky’ love story. Should poet, painter escape this mid-life passage where maturity takes on the dimension of – another adolescent trial?

Backdrops are: Jacks Bight, the Everglades, Greenwich Village, Santa Barbara, Sequoia country – interspersed with (background – story line) ‘Sea Sagas’ – Bahamas to Columbia.

Ultimately, a retelling of Damon and Pythias, Don Quixote, Sancho Panza friendships – rip/twists this tale into modern context where daily life style is defined by ‘philosophical sedition’ vs. what is perceived as a sinister, mad, state, federal government’s power tightens coils, sealing the fate of Bohemianism.

    1. A female ‘middle aged’ university librarian’s comment: "My hand sizzled on every page.
    2. Time-Life editor, former ‘Beat’: "I laughed my ass off!"

About the Author

Filid Beltaine trained as an environmental, Esturine, and fisheries biologist in both Europe and the United States. The author is a documented sea captain, poet, humanist, and sensei. He makes his home in Ireland.