Gifts of the Heart

Meditation on a Healing Journey

by Catherine Marie Flinn and Bradley H. Noland



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/31/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9780759658806

About the Book

Through heart disease, diabetes and Parkinson’s Disease, the authors, Catherine Flinn and Bradley Noland have experienced humanity’s pain. The book, Gifts of the Heart, Meditations on a Healing Journey, contains words of wisdom, inspired by their own healing journeys, which opens doors to hope, joy and newfound peace. These blessings are gifts beyond measure.

The poetry, prose and prayer included in Gifts of the Heart, Meditations on a Healing Journey helps to bring all people closer to God, and help them listen to the still, quiet voice within. The heart is the source of one’s own deep wisdom, and if listened to, healing can begin. No one is ever in the same place from day to day, and the beauty of the messages within this book addresses this. By remaining in the present moment, and allowing all feelings to surface so they can be fully felt, greater awareness takes place. To experience love, longing, sadness, pain, joy or fear is to be fully human. To understand that these feelings are the messages of the body takes time. With every feeling are wondrous messages that the body, mind and spirit can understand if listened to. Listening to these feelings with our heart creates personal healing of the whole individual. These pages are written from the heart to help those listen to their own.

About the Author

Catherine Flinn lives in Westminster, Maryland with her husband, Tom and their two daughters, Heather and Heidi. She has been instrumental in starting a healing circle in her church, as well as a meditation group. She has been interested with healing and wholeness much of her life and works in the healing arts as a Reiki Master Teacher. Her philosophy is that healing takes place in the quiet, silent areas within one’s soul before any spiritual transformation can take place. It is her greatest desire to help bring all people closer to God, and help them listen to the still, quiet voice within. She believes that the heart is the source of one’s own deep wisdom, and if listened to, healing can begin. It is with this intent that this book has come about. These pages are written from the heart to help those listen to their own.

Catherine’s poetry has been published in the anthology entitled The Silence Within, published by the International Library of Poetry. She has also appeared in "Health Magazine" helping diabetic women to make healthy choices when deciding to become pregnant.

Bradley Noland lives in Dixon, California with his wife, Beth and their two sons, Ryan and Dane. He is a deacon of his church and has a background as an electro-mechanical engineer where he has been able to examine all forms and applications of electrical and kinetic energy. His interests have been the healing of the body, mind and spirit for much of his life, and now he works as a Reiki Master Teacher. He finds that spiritual energy has similar attributes as that of electrical energy, and that it is very alive and present in all living things. He believes that a oneness with God established through centered prayer, grounding, speaking and listening with the heart is the key to regeneration and healing of the body. In helping others to follow the guidance of their hearts he is often heard asking them, "What does your heart say?"

Cathy and Brad co-teach together the ancient healing art of Reiki, as well as teach classes individually. Reiki is a form of energy balancing that can touch everyone on all planes – body, mind and spirit. They incorporate meditation techniques into their classes to help bring about relaxation and personal healing. Cathy integrates Bio-Spiritual Focusing into her practice, so that her clients can learn how to listen to the messages of the body so that there may be healing of the whole individual.