Analytic MetaPhysics

A New View of the Cosmos

by r. stewart hall



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/1/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 276
ISBN : 9780759652521

About the Book

The ‘Theoretical Science’ of the 20thcentury has left us with ‘Relativistic Probability’ as the conceptual basis for dealing with our cultural imperatives, the ‘scientific’ guide to our subjective spiritual reality, that inner sanctum, wherein we all must live and seek the meaning of our being. Throughout the course of all human history, there has never been a definitive, universally acceptable basis for distinguishing fact from fancy in these metaphysical regions of our living experiences. Cultural conflict, in its many forms, is not only the greatest destroyer of human life, today; it is an ever-present threat to survival itself. ‘Relativistic Probability’ exacerbates the problem.

The falsities and inadequacies of ‘Theoretical Science’ are intrinsically rooted in its fundamental methodology. ‘Theoretical Science’ begins with a hypothetical statement, a ‘What If?’ These things open the door and welcome the conjectural activity on which the human imagination thrives. Additional ‘What Ifs’ proliferate, expanding in a multiplicity of directions, sprouting tendrils that reach down to new basic ‘What Ifs’ to form new supporting roots like a Banyan Tree. All of which is diligently maintained within the scope and meaning of the initial statement.

All of these things act, like a filter on our camera lens, to enhance certain aspects of the view and obscure others. The initial statement was never an adequate representation of the external reality and this was certainly not improved by the following developments. When an interesting new function appears, appropriate test equipment is devised and tests are conducted. Thus claiming to follow the close association of experiment and analysis, established by the founding fathers of science. But this puts the cart before the horse, with them the tests came first!

Tycho Brahe collected data on planetary motion for 21 years. Kepler worked on this data for years, then Newton, who established the fundamental principles of planetary motion and much more! LaPlace established a more powerful method of analysis, which as Analytic MetaPhysics demonstrates, can do the whole job! When you learn how to think straight! That’s the real trick. And, the secret to that is real simple, just follow Newton's First Principle, don’t assume anything! most especially, some omnipotent agency that can push things around. The Old Tentmaker had it on right, when he said,

"And that inverted bowl, they call the sky, whereunder, crawling couped, we do and die lift not your hands to it for help – for it as impotently moves, as you or I."

Analytic MetaPhysics deals directly with data. It peels away the layers of physical reality, layer by onion-like layer, to reveal an elemental rotational motion, that can neither be created nor destroyed. It presents a cosmos, unlimited in space and time, having comprehensive unity and universal simplicity. It presents a paradigm that permits cosmic phenomena to be expressed as algorithmic expressions representing the elemental entities of the cosmos and their activity patterns simply as macroscopic manifestations of a single fundamental principle. The single ‘unit’ of measurement, for both length and velocity, is inherent to the cosmos, itself, immune to human or extra-universal influences. Although ‘unification’, is total, this it is not the Unified Theory", of the physicist’s dreams, for it is fundamentally a language with no ‘theoretical’ content. It effectively fulfills the dreams of Liebnitz for his Characteristica Universalis and Calculus Ratiocinator.

This work represents, perhaps, the most significant scientific work since Newton. It is highly revolutionary, for it not only accomplishes what has long been thought to be impossible, but also presents conclusive evidence of the fallacies in the accepted, fundamental concepts of ‘Wave Mechanics’, ‘Quantum Mechanics’, ‘Relativity’, ‘The Expanding Universe’, ‘Big Bang’ and ‘The Age of The Universe’. It would be extremely difficult. If not impossible to ‘refute’ Analytic MetaPhysics, for it consists of little more than a collection of simple direct statements of relationships, easily ‘discovered’ in the experimental data.

Despite the inherent mechanistic simplicity of Analytic MetaPhysics, it is not easy to comprehend, for the fundamental philosophy of its conceptual foundation is, in fact, the very antithesis of that of the culture, which we have been thoroughly conditioned to accept and respect. Analytic MetaPhysics indicates the need to approach the subject with an ‘open mind’, and the need for adopting an ‘Omniscient Viewpoint’. And, then it goes into the cultural, political and spiritual implications of it all, it discredits religion but does not deny God, only its anthropomorphic aspects, for the essence of the God concept is an aspect of the essence of the elemental being of all cosmic things, even you and I.

About the Author

The author was born in Athol, Massachusetts on Feb 16, 1914. Upon graduation from High School, in 1932 he became a machinist apprentice at GE, in Lynn, Massachusetts. While there, he married and worked his way up to become an engineer in the Aircraft Gas Turbine Division, responsible for Research and Preliminary Design. He received the coveted GE Coffin Award for his work on the aerodynamic design of axial flow compressors and was appointed to the NACA Subcommittees on Compressors and Power Plants. He spent several years at the Allison Division of General Motors, as Chief of Preliminary Design where he directed a study of nuclear propulsion for aircraft.

The author ‘dropped out’ of industry, in midlife, to direct his energies to the development of the concepts presented here. These concepts matured in a cohesive form, as he cruised around the waters surrounding Key West on his boat. His wife is now deceased, but they produced three offspring, two males and one female, now successful college graduates. He now resides with his eldest son, a lawyer in Hollywood, Florida. He is directing his energies toward the broadest possible dissemination of the concepts developed in Analytic MetaPhysics: A New View of the Cosmos.