Short Stories

by Harry S. Monesson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/1/2002

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9780759630741
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9780759630758

About the Book

This short story collection is intended for young and old, man and woman. The tragedy of a lonely circus sideshow strongwoman. The two surgeons who nearly succeed in grafting the body and the spirit to immortality.

The angel scribe who keeps the books for "Big Daddy." The North African boy, who with a magic seed and strong spiritual faith, rescues his family from starvation and political oppression. The prehistoric "Iceman of Beringia" whose faith and power over his natural world, survives both the ages and modern archaeology. The downed flyer who is returned to his wife and children by the most important and influential Santa of all. The innocence of an American boy growing up during World War II. The recklessness of a dragonfly and the patience of a frog.

About the Author

Harry S. Monesson resides on the New Jersey Pinelands International Biosphere Reserve.  From his cottage surrounded by a green brier patch and a cranberry bog, he writes on many subjects -- traditional, experimental, and avant-garde. 

Harry is the author of Knibblers in the Sand, Sand Sharks in the Pines; Up a Cranberry Tree II; The World's Biggest Tummy; Berry Patch Tales; and Boggenskrogin.  His most recent work, Sand Sharks in the Pines, illustrated by William Netamux'we Sauts Bock, will be released by 1st Books Library in 2001.