Strategic Reading on Latin America, 3rd Ed.

by Russell W. Ramsey, Ph.D., D.Min.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/4/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9780759627314

About the Book

In 1994, Colonel John J. Madigan, Editor of Parameters, Professional Journal of the U.S. Army Wary College, authorized Dr. Russell W. Ramsey to write an annual review essay on strategic writing about Latin America. At Cold War’s end, this literature had become less polemical. These essays have continued for seven years, plus some single-issue essays. Professor Ramsey simultaneously wrote complementary review essays on Western Hemisphere military topics for the Hispanic American Historical Review, Journal of Comparative Strategy, Strategic Review, and Military Review. All of these essays are now assembled in a compilation of articles, which in sum comprise the most complete evaluation of the literature bearing on an emotional topic in the post-Cold War world.

About the Author

Russell W. Ramsey is the longest standing and most widely published U.S. scholar of the Latin American military scene. He was the pilot project officer at the U.S. Army School of the Americas in Panama (1960 – 1962) when (then) Attorney General Robert Kennedy installed the counter-insurgency program. As an Army Reserve officer, he was the Desk Officer for Long Range Strategy (J-5), U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff in the 1980’s. His doctoral dissertation on the Colombian Violencia (1946 – 1965), published in 1970, is still a best seller in Colombia today. He was Chief of Latin American Studies for the U.S. Air Force Command and Staff College from 1987 to 1992, and Distinguished Civilian Professor for the U.S. Army School of the Americas from 1992 to 2000. His publications appear in every major U.S. journal of strategic studies and of Latin American Studies. Currently he is professor of Latin American Studies at Troy State University.