Aspirin, Band-Aids & Tender Loving Care

An Alcoholic Doctor's Alibiography

by Doc H.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/1/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9780759608061
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9780759608054

About the Book


. . . This book is meant to be both enlightening and interesting. It can be used as an academic tool for the helping professions in the field of alcoholism. It can be used by the recovering alcoholic. It should be most interesting and helpful to the family and close friends of the alcoholic. It may even appeal to those few whose lives are untouched by alcoholism. Though anonymity will be maintained throughout, many personal experiences and recovery stories are necessary to illustrate the depth and seriousness of this illness.

I am hopeful that humor pervades the story, for this is the nature of the recovering alcoholic after leaving the tragedies of his life in the past. Again, without breaking anonymity, Alcoholics Anonymous experiences are a must in order to share hope and reassurance with those who doubt the comfort of recovery. Any reference to the deity is meant in the broadest spiritual sense, rather than the religious denominational concept. For those who have religion of any faith as I do, our spiritual approach should be truly reinforcing rather than offending. For those who are atheists or agnostic, please read on . . .

Doc H.

About the Author


--M.D., Northwestern University (1951).

--Bachelor of Medicine, Northwestern University (1950).

--Bachelor of Science, Northwestern University (1949).

--Bowen High School, National Honor Society (1942).


--Founding Member, Board of Directors of Region II Snowball.

--Medical Consultant, South Suburban Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse.

--Medical Director, Central States Institute of Addiction.

--Medical Director, Haymarket House, Cees Manor, and Maternal Addictions Center.

--Member, Board of Directors, Cook County Research & Evaluation project (DUI outcome study - Circuit Court).

--Member, Executive Board of Directors, Guildhaus (halfway house).

--Member, State of Illinois Task Force for program development for Mentally Ill Substance Abuser (MISA).

--Physician Member, Health Panel on Alcoholism and Addictions for Clergy, Chicago Archdiocese.


--Member, Board of Directors, Foundation I (1977-96).

--Faculty, Alcoholism Sciences, Prairie State College (1993-95).

--Medical Director, Guildhaus (1984-93).

--Founder (1976) and Medical Director, Alcoholic Treatment and Substance Abuse Center (13 years); Chairman, Alcoholic Treatment Center (13 years), Ingalls Memorial Hospital.

--Founder (1970) and Medical Director, Employee Health Program, Ingalls Memorial Hospital (17 years).

--Faculty, Lectures and Review Course, ASAM Certification (1986).

--President and Board of Directors, South Suburban Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (1973-77).

--Member, Curriculum Advisory Board, Governors State University, Department of Alcoholism Sciences (1976-77).

--Chairman of Executive, Credential, Utilization Review, Emergency Services, Accreditation and Medical Records

--Committee, Ingalls Memorial Hospital Medical Staff (1969-74).


--Certified in Addictions Medicine (1986).

--Member, American Society of Addictions Medicine (1976 - present).

--National Council on Alcoholism (1976 - present).

--Research Society on Alcoholism (1976-87).

--Illinois Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association (1976-81).

--Illinois Professional Society and Physicians Referral Network on Alcoholism (1976-81).


--Alcohol and drug addiction.

--Industrial medicine and employee assistance programs.

--Consultant to programs of dual diagnosis.

--Development of programs for elderly (Snow Caps).

--Development of programs for professionals.

--Research on problem of relapse (Golden Slippers).


--Scholarship Award, Betty Ford Foundation Physicians in Residence (1993).

--Gratitude Award, Guildhaus (1993).

--Humanitarian Award, McDermott Foundation (1992).

--Gratitude Award - Clinical Staff, South Suburban Council on Alcoholism (1988).

--Gratitude Award - Clinical Staff, Ingalls Memorial Hospital (1988).

--President's Citation Award, South Suburban Council on Alcoholism and Substance Abuse (1988).

--Outstanding Contribution Award, Chicago Firefighters EAP Program (1983).

--Outstanding Citizen Award, South Suburban Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1980).

--Past President Award, South Suburban Council on Alcoholism (1977).