Six Suns, Ten Planets, One Woman

by Theodore E.D. Braun



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/20/1999

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781585005796
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 344
ISBN : 9781524675332

About the Book

Christina Vasa becomes a member of Spacefleet’s Extended Life Brigade. Her mission is double: fight the Militia (a terrorist organization of misguided religious fanatics opposed to scientific advances in general, in particular, the genetic engineering that makes extended life possible), and explore the galaxy for possible colony planets and for intelligent life forms. In her adventures in other worlds, Christina will face death several times, will be charged with capital crimes, and will take part in the discovery of new worlds on which millions of Earth people will establish cities and farms. She will discover rich new worlds of biology, also, worlds in which evolution has gone down different paths than it had taken on Earth. Some of these encounters will prove to be terrifying, even life-threatening: a deadly virus, fierce jellyfish-like creatures that hunt in packs, flying creatures that devour their victims’ flesh within minutes. With her crew she will fight the vicious members of the Militia, although final victory seems out of reach. But why is she arrested on Mars after returning as a hero from a successful expedition against the Militia on Mesnos? She will finally pass through a wormhole to reach the spiral arm on the far side of the galaxy. There, at last, she will encounter the Damosians, a civilization of intelligent beings descended from warm-blooded lizards. Will this encounter be peaceful or menacing? How will people of radically different cultures and languages be able to communicate? Will the dreaded Schadite Tactical Units succeed in destroying the great ship Constellation? If they return to Earth, how will the people there accept these extra-terrestrials?

About the Author

Brooklyn-born author Theodore Braun holds a Ph.D. in Romance Languages and Literatures from the University of California at Berkeley. He is currently a professor of French and Comparative Literature at the University of Delaware, where he teaches a course on Literature, Science, and Technology. His research interests include the author Voltaire (author of a science-fiction novel a, Micromégas, 1752) and chaos theory. He has been interested in astronomy and evolutionary biology for virtually all his life. Six Suns, Ten Planets, One Woman combines his vocation and his avocation, his deep love of literature and his keen interest in science, his experience in research and his creative imagination. Braun lives in Newark, Delaware with his wife. He is grateful to have a daughter as interested in science and fiction as he is, and whose critiques have proven to be invaluable.