U.S.A. Versus the Rat-The Last President

by Anthony J. Kurylo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/27/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 280
ISBN : 9781585005307

About the Book

Factual reminiscences of an earlier time. Short episodes as seen through the eyes and emotions of a Patriarch. Presented as a true and accurate portrayal of experiences and encounters during the depression years onward. Actuality is captured in tone and tenor. The mirth, sorrow, prejudice, passion, poverty, callosity and the rough and tumble of the era are displayed for all to see. When the end of the autobiographical account looms, it explodes with the Author's realization that the future to be inherited by his progeny and posterity generally, is so bleak so as to stir into action, his years of acumen, which tends to emphasize the need for a societal better way.

Politicians, Lawyers, Courts and Police are not immune from scrutiny. Gun Control, Laws, Narcotics, Victims of Crime and Capital Punishment, including a new innovative execution device are discussed.

Is a new people driven form of governance under consideration as a countermeasure to the same as usual rhetoric expounders in the coming elections?

This novel has been waiting in the wings for decades, being guided by a certain deliberateness awaiting that measure of citizen discomfiture to build up a head of steam; the whole apparatus has begun to 'hiss'. We fair-minded people will unite to have our say.

About the Author

Wallingford, Connecticut was where it all began.
A first generation American born here, he ushered in and out the depression era. Colony Grammar School-Lyman Hall High School-Enlistment in U.S Navy in 1942, serving as a Flight Engineer were memorable events. Bachelor of Science Degree University of Connecticut.

Connecticut State Police Department-Serving in the Uniformed Branch Tactical Response Group, Headquarters Detective Division.

Liason with Connecticut State Legislature after university training in Alcohol Studies, to create legislation for breath testing of motor vehicle operators. Extensive uncover activities. Appointed to Investigative Staff of State's Attorney's Office Hartford Connecticut. After retirement, consultant to the Connecticut Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. Father of six and Grandfather of five, has permanent resident status in Australia.